Tax free savings
Tax free savings
Our Cash ISA is a fantastic way to save and earn a competitive tax-free rate of return on your hard-earned cash.
Save regularly by Direct Debit or salary Deduction or just add money when you can. The Cash ISA also permits you to transfer existing ISAs from other providers using our free transfer service.
You can save a maximum of £20,000 each tax year in the Cash ISA and the maximum balance of all your savings with us should not exceed £85,000
Become a member today and open a Cash ISA.
What is a Cash ISA?
ISA stands for Individual Savings Account, which is a tax-efficient way to save. You can save up to £20,000 in a cash ISA each year. You can save up to a maximum of £85,000 across all your savings account(s) with us.

Tax-free Dividend
We'll pay a Dividend annually at the end of the tax year. Our variable Dividends are based on past performance and can be reviewed by us at any time. The pro-rated Cash ISA dividend from 1 February 2024 to date was 3.25%.
Transfer an ISA
With our free transfer service, you can keep your money in one handy place by transferring existing ISAs into your new Glasgow Credit Union Cash ISA.

Save with confidence
All of our savings accounts are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This means your Glasgow Credit Union savings including your Cash ISA are protected up to £85,000.
Why open a Cash ISA
A simple way to save tax free
Choose to save regularly by Direct Debit or Salary Deduction or save by Bacs at your leisure
Easy access to your savings
Make withdrawals in app, online or by phone
One tax free home for your savings
Bring all your ISAs together in one place with our free ISA transfer service
Earn a competitive return on your savings
We'll pay a competitive dividend on your Cash ISA at the end of each tax year
Is an ISA right for you?
This Cash ISA is only available to Glasgow Credit Union members.
You can pay in up to £20,000 in the current tax year, and there's no limit on ISA transfers subject to maintaining your maximum credit union savings balance below £85,000.
You can only subscribe to one cash ISA in any tax year.
If you have subscribed to another provider's ISA this year, you can transfer the balance to us, but you won't be able to add further subscriptions to your Glasgow Credit Union Cash ISA until the new tax year.
Do you want to save regularly?
With our Cash ISA you have the option to make regular deposits via Direct Debit or by Salary Deduction.
How can I manage my Cash ISA?
This Cash ISA can be opened and managed by our app, online or over the phone. You can make deposits and withdrawal requests at any time.
Do you want to keep your ISAs in one place?
Our Cash ISA permits multiple transfers from other providers. We can organise this for you using our free transfer service.