Giving Glasgow
Giving Glasgow
One of our core aims is to have a positive impact within our local areas. Through Giving Glasgow, we reward local charities and causes that help improve the lives of our communities.
Our fund is currently closed until December 2024. We are planning to make improvements to the fund to continue to make a positive difference within our communities. We'll update members at our 2024 AGM.
What is Giving Glasgow?
Giving Glasgow is Glasgow Credit Union’s charitable fund, which allows us to reward worthy causes with a donation that will help them continue the valuable work they do in their community.
Within the past four years, we have donated over £145,000 to local charities and causes.
We welcome nominations from everyone living or working in a ‘G’ postcode and encourage all members to get in touch to let us know about the organisations that are making a difference in their area.
Supporting local causes
Our charitable fund exists to help local charities and good causes to thrive and develop.
Financial support
In the last four years, we've donated over £145,000 to local groups and charities.
Helping the community
Through our charitable fund, we're able to help the various communities that we operate in across Glasgow and the West.
Recent recipients

Lourdes Theatre Group
Lourdes Theatre Group provide access to musical theatre and performance opportunities for all age groups. They offer a safe and welcoming space to come together and development confidence and skills through the performing arts. As a voluntary not-for-profit, they tackle poverty through empowering people and helping them realise their full potential.
We donated £250 to the group to help ensure all members and beneficiaries of the group are able to participate, regardless of their financial circumstances. As the performance will be funded, this will allow the group to perform in a professional theatre free of charge.

Shanti Bhavan Social & Cultural Centre
Shanti Bhavan Social & Cultural Centre is a charity that supports the South-Asian community across Glasgow and the West. They focus on helping the elderly and older members within their community to integrate and feel less isolated. Their local group runs twice a week.
Through our Giving Glasgow, we recently donated £250 to the charity. This funding will be used to support their lunch club. Their lunch club has increased in attendance due to the cost-of-living crisis. As many members are elderly, this donation will be used to help those in need.

Who Cares? Scotland
For over 45 years, Who Cares Scotland have worked alongside care experienced people to make sure their voices are heard, with the ultimate aim that they grow up feeling equal, loved, and respected.
Through our Giving Glasgow, we recently donated £500 to the charity. This donation will be used towards their highly beneficial drop-in group. This weekly group allows those who feel or may be isolated to socialise, receive help from a Lifelong Advocate, meet others, and is also a place for members to receive food and household goods.

Capoeira 4 Scotland
Capoeira 4 Scotland is a not-for-profit social enterprise using the unique Afro-Brazilian art of Capoeira to make positive changes throughout Glasgow and the surrounding areas.
Through our Giving Glasgow fund, we donated £350 to the group. This donation will help expand the number of free spaces in their regular classes as well as new lessons and workshops for specific groups such as refugees and asylum seekers.

St. George's Church of Scotland
St George's Tron Church of Scotland is an active and evangelical church in the heart of Glasgow with a passion for being a positive influence on the city centre of Glasgow.
Located within the church, is the Olive Tree Café. The cafe acts as a safe space for the general public and for the economically and socially disadvantaged. They offer free tea, coffee and soups to those in need.
Through our Giving Glasgow fund, we recently donated £250 to St. George's Tron Church in order to help ensure the church remains a warm and safe place for its users during the colder months.

Narjis Foundation
The Narjis Foundation are a community led organisation in the south side of Glasgow.
Through our charitable fund, Giving Glasgow, we recently donated £250 to the group to help them implement more activities and support for their community.

Glasgow Disabled Groups
Glasgow Disabled Scouts is a dedicated Scout Group that cater to the unique needs of those aged 6-25 with disabilities and life-limiting conditions.
Through our charitable fund, Giving Glasgow, we recently donated £500 to the group to help improve accessibility at their lodge.

Scots Tots
Scots Tots is a community organisation which was set up in March 2022. They provide support to families of children who have autism, speech impediments and other disorders which require additional support.
Through our Giving Glasgow fund, we recently donated £500 to the group. This will provide 10 speech therapy sessions to those children who would benefit from additional support.

Keppoch Nursery
Through our charitable fund, Giving Glasgow, we recently donated £250 to Keppoch Nursery in North Glasgow.
This donation will allow the nursery to purchase new materials to create a calming and sensory environment for the children. This will also help the nursery to introduce a wild garden in their outdoor space to grow vegetables and create soup packs that the children can take home.

Spirit of Springburn
Spirit of Springburn is a community development organisation, which aims to bring together the local community and make a difference.
This month, they are running a free Cultural Gala Day, which will see over 4,000 local residents and their families come together. The event will include food stalls from various cuisines, cultural favourites and much more.
Through our Giving Glasgow fund, we recently donated £400 to the organisation to help with the costs of running the event and keeping it free for all those who wish to attend.

All Saints Secondary
All Saints Secondary, recently gave pupils the opportunity to attend an educational and cultural trip to Paris.
Unfortunately, the cost-of-living crisis price hikes almost resulted in the trip being cancelled as many families struggled to cover the overall costs.
Through our Giving Glasgow fund, we donated £250 to the school to help struggling families pay for their children to attend the trip.

Tony's Safe Place
Tony’s Safe Place is a community not-for-profit organisation within Cumbernauld.
The organisation runs a drop in hub, which is solely managed by volunteers. They also hold peer support group meetings and a variety of mental health wellbeing workshops.
Through our charitable fund, Giving Glasgow, we donated £500 to the group to provide 15 people in the community with the opportunity to participate in nature-focused therapy sessions to help promote their mental heath.